
                                  Live Interactive Online Webinar Saturday, August 8th

                                  COULD THE 2023 ELECTION BE STOLEN?

                                  Massive voter suppression?
                                  Computerized vote-counting fraud?
                                  Will your mail-in vote be counted in 2023?

                                  What if Trump loses in 2023 and refuses to leave office?
                                  What could we do about it?

                                  How can I make sure that my vote
                                  – and your vote- will be counted?

                                  election theft by computerbuy tickets

                                  Did Trump’s 2016 presidential victory express the will of the electorate? Or was it based on the same tactics of rampant vote suppression and computerized vote-counting fraud—that have “elected” losing candidates since 2000, including Bush/Cheney and a multitude of other rightist politicians now controlling the Senate and statehouses from coast to coast.

                                  These urgent questions have been drowned out by the furor over “Russia-gate”—the story that it was Russia that rigged the 2016 presidential race. We need to focus on the overwhelming evidence that our elections have been stolen time and time again by operatives right here at home. Such criminal activity will certainly destroy American democracy — unless we face it squarely, talk about it openly, and push for radical reform of our abysmal voting system, the worst in the developed world.

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                                  This minefield is the subject of this online panel, which includes three prominent election reform advocates. We will discuss what individual voters must do to protect their own right to vote and avoid falling victim to the suppression schemes. We will also look at what we can still do collectively to bolster the security and integrity of the election. And how to prepare to respond to several post-election scenarios that may well put our democracy to a very serious and dangerous test. Please join us in gaming it all out so we don’t just repeat the disasters of the past.

                                  This Interactive WEBINAR Will Be LIVE STREAMED on
                                  Saturday, August 8, 2023 — 10am Pacific * 1pm Eastern * 17:00 GMT

                                  (2.5 hours duration) You can ask questions live.

                                  The entire event will be archived for 7 days afterwards so you can arrive late or watch it later or again.
                                  buy tickets

                                  • Jonathan Simon History of computerized election fraud.
                                    Jonathan Simon, author of CODE RED: Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy-Election 2023 Edition, is Executive Director of Election Defense Alliance, and has published numerous papers on various aspects of election integrity since 2004. He has appeared in Stealing America Vote By Vote and Uncounted: The New Math Of American Elections, among other documentaries. See his website here.. Dr. Simon is a graduate of Harvard College and New York University School of Law.
                                  • Jennifer Cohn Voter Suppression in the 2023 Election.
                                    Jennifer Cohn is an election integrity advocate, writer, and freelance journalist whose election-integrity articles have appeared in the New York Review of Books, Who What Why, TYT Investigates, The Brad Blog, and Salon. Since the 2016 election she has focused her professional efforts exclusively on investigating and exposing our country’s insecure computerized elections. Jennifer graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1989 and Hastings College of the Law in 1993. She was a law partner at Nielsen Haley & Abbott in Marin County for many years, where she specialized in insurance coverage and civil appeals. Before that she specialized in criminal appellate law.
                                  • Former Senator Timothy E. Wirth 从此世界没有“墙” ytb、ins、fb轻松上!ssr电脑版客户端下载 ...:2021-9-29 · ssr电脑版客户端下载及配置教程。设置好后,点击添加按钮即可。其中系统伋理模式中的全局模式是指所有的请求都走伋理(国内伍及国外的),而PAC模式则是自动识别,国内的直连,国外的(例如Google,YouTube)走伋理。如果你不希望走全局 ...

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                                    Timothy E. Wirth is a former Congressman and Senator from Colorado. Recently, he and a group of similarly concerned citizens have been working to shed light on the potential dangers awaiting us in the 2023 election, as discussed in his Newsweek article, SSR Windows客户端下载、安装及使用教程 ...:2021-7-17 · SSR的连接需要服务端和客户端配合完成。还没有安装SSR服务端的朋友,可伍参考: SSR一键安装脚本 (ShadowsocksR一键安装教程) SSR服务端安装成功后,我伊就可伍通过客户端与之相连了。下面我伊来介绍下SSR Windows客户端的下载及使用 ...

                                    Wirth began his political career as a White House Fellow under President Lyndon Johnson and served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Education in the Nixon Administration. In 1970, Wirth returned to his home state of Colorado and successfully ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1974. He represented Denver suburbs from 1975-1987. Wirth was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 where he focused on environmental issues, particularly global climate change and population stabilization. Following these two decades of elected politics, Wirth was national Co-chair of the Clinton-Gore campaign, and from 1993 to 1997 served in the U.S. Department of State as the first Undersecretary for Global Affairs.

                                  • THE WHOLE PANEL WILL ADDRESS: Practical ways that individuals can protect their own vote and how groups can join together to protect the integrity of the 2023 election and respond in real time to red flags and stunts.

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                                    Jeremy Rothe-Kushel is an analyst, broadcaster & producer with a background in permaculture design, political organizing, and future-roots music production, performance and education. He co-hosts and produces The AnteDote and the KKFI Kansas City community radio show “Understanding Israel Palestine.”
                                  • Live Questions from the audience.

                                  Live Video Streaming and Archiving for this important news event is
                                  provided by 
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                                  “The views expressed in this event are the sole responsibility of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of 2h7vl5.wcbzw.com. Noliesradio.org will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements expressed therein.”

                                  If you cannot afford to donate for a ticket please explain your situation. Email us at: info@2h7vl5.wcbzw.com



                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “Mandatory Mask? Vaccine?! Microchip?!! You Gotta Draw the Line Somewhere!”

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                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 08/01/2023
                                  “Mandatory Mask? Vaccine?! Microchip?!! You Gotta Draw the Line Somewhere!”

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                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “You Can Observe a Lot Just By Watching!
                                  (With Open Eyes & Mind).”

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                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 07/25/2023
                                  “You Can Observe a Lot Just By Watching! (With Open Eyes & Mind).”


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                                  9/11 Truth Is Still the Century’s Biggest Story

                                  Saturday, July 18th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 15:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 07/18/2023
                                  9/11 Truth Is Still the Century’s Biggest Story


                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  War on Iran

                                  Thursday, July 9th–5pm Pacific * 8pm Eastern * 00:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 07/09/2023
                                  War on Iran


                                  Click here for the news story list.


                                  Ghislaine Maxwell “Knows Everything”

                                  Saturday, July 4th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 07/04/2023
                                  Ghislaine Maxwell “Knows Everything”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Ken Meyercord

                                  Click here for the news story list.


                                  “Roger Waters Apologizes for Telling the Truth”

                                  Saturday, June 27th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 06/27/2023
                                  “Roger Waters Apologizes for Telling the Truth”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Mike Springman

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  LAFAYETTE SQUARE


                                  Streamed live 2 hours ago  6/22/2023   8:30pm Eastern


                                  616K subscribers

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                                  Saturday, June 20th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 06/20/2023

                                  ssr 下载

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “Questioning the Official Narrative of Everything”

                                  Saturday, June 13th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 06/13/2023
                                  “Questioning the Official Narrative of Everything”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & E. Michael Jones

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “Conspiracy theories run rampant amid Floyd protests.”

                                  Saturday, June 6th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are 电脑下载ssr right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 06/06/2023
                                  “Conspiracy theories run rampant amid Floyd protests.”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Greg Felton

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “Orwellian Tyranny Coming at ‘Warp Speed”

                                  Saturday, May 23rd–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 05/23/2023
                                  “Orwellian Tyranny Coming at ‘Warp Speed’

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Lucy Morgan Edwards

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “The Beast Whose Number Is HR-6666”

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                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 05/16/2023
                                  “The Beast Whose Number Is HR-6666”

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                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “Bay of Pigs II: Venezuela”

                                  Saturday, May 9th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 05/09/2023
                                  “Bay of Pigs II: Venezuela”


                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  New China TV
                                  872K subscribers

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                                  “Econopocalypse Now”

                                  Saturday, May 2nd–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are 电脑版ssr如何使用 right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 05/02/2023
                                  “Econopocalypse Now”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Gregory Mccarron

                                  Click here for the news story list.



                                  Posted on May 2, 2023 by Ellen Brown Congress seems to be at war with the states. Only $150 billion of its nearly $3 trillion coronavirus relief package – a mere 5% – has been allocated to the 50 states; and they are not allowed to use it where they need it most, to plug the holes… »»»



                                  No Lies Radio Music – By Teri Perticone – Saturday May 02, 2023 Curtis Lee Mayfield (June 3, 1942 – December 26, 1999) was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and record producer, and one of the most influential musicians behind soul and politically conscious African-American music.[1][2] He first achieved success and recognition with The Impressions during… »»»



                                  Every Saturday – Anti-War – Progressive Truth Teach-in Coming up at 9am Pacific * 12 Noon Eastern * 17:00 GMT Naomi Klein on Coronavirus Capitalism & David Quammen: Shaking the Viral Tree Naomi Klein is is a Canadian author, social activist, and filmmaker. Among her books are: This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate; No… »»»


                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  “Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!”

                                  Saturday, April 25th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are 电脑版ssr如何使用 right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 04/25/2023
                                  “Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!”


                                  Click here for the news story list.



                                  电脑版ssr如何使用Posted on April 19, 2023 by Ellen Brown at her Web of Debt Blog A central bank-financed UBI can fill the debt gap, providing a vital safety net while preventing cyclical recessions. According to an April 6 article on CNBC.com, Spain is slated to become the first country in Europe to introduce a universal basic income (UBI) on… »»»

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                                  “Can COVID-19 Truth
                                  and 9/11 Truth Change the World?”

                                  Saturday, April 18th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 04/18/2023
                                  “Can COVID-19 Truth and 9/11 Truth Change the World?”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett
                                  & Matthew Ehret

                                  Click here for the news story list.


                                  “Covid 19 NOT a Bioweapon” ?
                                  “WTC-7 NOT a Demolition.”

                                  Saturday, April 11th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 04/11/2023
                                  “Covid 19 NOT a Bioweapon” ?
                                  “WTC-7 NOT a Demolition.”

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Adam Greene

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  US Bio-war

                                  Saturday, April 4th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 04/04/2023
                                  US Bio-war?

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Michael Springman

                                  Click here for the news story list.



                                  MARCH 23 ,2023 BY BARBARA HONEGGER   American Herald Tribune Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’ Acting true to form as the US military-intelligence community propaganda agent it is, the Washington Post recently published an opinion piece asserting, “America Needs To Be on a War Footing.” In it, Danielle Allen asserts, “The appropriate analogy for this moment is Pearl Harbor…… »»»



                                  The Coming Greatest Depression


                                  368K subscribers

                                  SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/greates… The Age of Terror was inaugurated with a series of controlled demolitions in New York City on September 11, 2001. Now the world is being led into the Age of Biological Terror with a controlled demolition of the economy that is already causing unprecedented carnage across markets and around the globe. As the dust settles on this demolition, an entirely new economy is ready to be erected in its place: one in which no citizen will be out of the sight of the all-seeing government. This week on The Corbett Report we examine the details of this collapse and why the bankster class is seeking to destroy the financial Ponzi scheme that they themselves created.

                                  False Flag Weekly News


                                  《航海王:燃烧意志》官方网站-航路不止,燃梦不熄:《航海王:燃烧意志》 为正版授权的、中国大陆首款ONE PIECE 3D大型MMO手机游戏。重温航海王的热血与感动,尽享最强战斗快感, 2021不容错过的航海之旅等你来冒险 !
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are 电脑版ssr如何使用 right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 03/28/2023
                                  Coronavirus: Bailouts

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Helen Buyniski

                                  Click here for the news story list.


                                  Coronavirus: Made in a Lab?

                                  Saturday, March 21st–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 03/21/2023
                                  Coronavirus: Made in a Lab?

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Hummux

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

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                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 03/14/2023
                                  Coronavirus Toilet Paper Panic

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Ian Greenhalgh

                                  Click here for the news story list.


                                  “China & 5G: The Emperor’s New

                                  Saturday, March 7th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 03/7/2023
                                  Corona Pandemic?

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                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  Corona: Threat or Menace?

                                  Thursday, February 27th–5pm Pacific * 8pm Eastern * 00:00 GMT Friday
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 02/27/2023
                                  Corona: Threat or Menace?
                                  ssr 下载

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Helen Buyniski

                                  Click here for the news story list.


                                  Trump Pardons 9/11 Suspect Kerik & Epstein Associate Milken

                                  Saturday, February 22nd–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 15:00 GMT
                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 02/22/2023
                                  Trump Pardons 9/11 Suspect Kerik & Epstein Associate Milken

                                  ssr 下载

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  False Flag Weekly News

                                  Emperor Trump vs. Iran

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                                  To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window.

                                  All shows are archived here right after the broadcast.

                                  False Flag Weekly News 02/14/2023
                                  Emperor Trump vs. Iran

                                  Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Michael Howard

                                  Click here for the news story list.

                                  SS/SSR软件下载合集 - GigsGigsCloud 教程:ShadowsocksR Windows版本:点我下载 安卓版本:点我下载 IOS版本:点我下载 MACOS版本:点我下载 路由版本:点我下载 Shadowsocks ...

                                  Alan Watts – Stop Chasing What You Think Will Make You Happy

                                  No Lies Radio Music – By Teri Perticone – Sunday Feb 09, 2023 Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British-American philosopher who interpreted and popularised Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New… »»»


                                  伋号SSR 电脑版_伋号SSR 电脑版单机游戏介绍_牛游戏网:2021-5-31 · 牛游戏网提供的伋号SSR 电脑版,《伋号SSR》是一款由网易游戏推出的唯美画风的卡牌游戏,游戏伍阴阳师为蓝本,画风延续日系风格,玩法在阴阳师的基础上有了更多的创新与改变,为玩家打造一个不一样的和风游戏,这款游戏将阴阳师里面熟悉的角色进行还原,还有各种经典剧情再现,强大的 …

                                  No Lies Radio Music – By Teri Perticone – Sat Feb 08, 2023 Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell (/?a?l??/,[1] born December 18, 2001) is an American singer and songwriter. She first gained media attention in 2016 when she uploaded the song “Ocean Eyes” to SoundCloud, and it was subsequently released by Interscope Records subsidiary Darkroom…. »»»


                                  Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy_ on Anti-War Progressive Teach-in

                                  Every Saturday – Anti-War – Progressive Truth Teach-in Coming up at 9am Pacific * 12 Noon Eastern * 17:00 GMT Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy Shoshana Zuboff is the author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. She reveals a world in which technology users are the raw material for new procedures of manufacturing and… »»»


                                  Mexico’s President AMLO Shows How It’s Done

                                  Mexico’s President AMLO Shows How It’s Done Submitted for posting on No Lies Radio on February 8, 2023 by Ellen Brown While U.S. advocates and local politicians struggle to get their first public banks chartered, Mexico’s new president has begun construction on 2,700 branches of a government-owned bank to be completed in 2021, when it will be the largest bank…电脑ssr软件


                                  False Flag Weekly NewsFriday, February 7th–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 15:00 GMT To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window. All shows are archived here right after the broadcast. False Flag Weekly News 02/07/2023 Coronavirus Biowar?   Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Mike Springman Stop the Wars and… »»»


                                  Ocean Heat Warning! _on Ecoshock

                                  ssr电脑版下载Coming up today and every Friday at 7:00pm Pacific * 10:00pm Eastern * 03:00 GMT ECOSHOCK —Ocean Heat Warning! hotter ocean breeds more violent weather — Super-scientist Kevin Trenberth on record ocean warming: impacts now and for centuries to come. Then from Stockholm, Jean-Baptiste Jouffray reports on The Blue Acceleration – the rush to colonize… »»»


                                  Elias Davidsson_ on 9/11 Free Fall

                                  911 Free FallComing up today and every Thursday at 7:00 pm Pacific – 10:00 pm Eastern – 03:00 GMT Elias Davidsson Host Andy Steele is joined by activist and researcher Elias Davidsson to discuss some of his thoughts on the 9/11 crime, and the blind acceptance by Americans of the official story. 9/11 Free Fall is now… »»»


                                  Channel Islam (South Africa) Interview on “Deal of the Century,” Impeachment_on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio

                                  ssr电脑版下载Coming Up Thursday, February 6th — Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT Sunday encore at 2pm Pacific * 5pm Eastern * 21:00 GMT EXCLUSIVE BROADCAST: Channel Islam (South Africa) Interview on “Deal of the Century,” Impeachment Channel Islam of Durban, South Africa—unlike US-based mainstream outlets—is free to host…电脑下载ssr


                                  Michael Howard (American Herald Tribune) on “The Iranian Black Legend”_on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio

                                  Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad RadioComing Up Wednesday, February 5th — Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT Sunday encore at 2pm Pacific * 5pm Eastern * 21:00 GMT EXCLUSIVE BROADCAST: Michael Howard (American Herald Tribune) on “The Iranian Black Legend” Judging by his photo, American Herald Tribune writer Michael Howard doesn’t look old…ssr电脑版下载


                                  Exposing Economic Myths_on Economic Update

                                  Economic UpdateEvery Wednesday at 11am Pacific – 2pm Eastern – 19:00 GMT Exposing Economic Myths _on ECONOMIC UPDATE with Richard D. Wolff Discussions of (1) “unemployment rate” as inadequate measure of economy’s well-being; (2) decline of real value of US minimum wage; (3) multiple failures and flaws of markets, (4) corporations as less economically efficient than… »»»


                                  Pro-Israel Buttigieg backer Seth Klarman is top funder of group behind Iowa’s voting app

                                  Pro-Israel Buttigieg backer Seth Klarman is top funder of group behind Iowa’s voting app  CONTACT@IFAMERICANSKNEW.ORG  FEBRUARY 4, 2023 By Max Blumenthal, reposted from Grayzone Behind the app that delayed Iowa’s voting results is a dark money operation funded by anti-Sanders billionaires. Its top donor, Seth Klarman, is a Buttigieg backer who has dumped money into pro-settler Israel… »»»


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                                  The AntidoteComing up every Tuesday and Friday at 9 am Pacific * 12 Noon Eastern * 17:00 GMT     “Syrian Dirty Break Trump Gambino-like Gambits in Abramson’s “Proof of Conspiracy” & The Turko-Russo-Israeli-Arab Fall? This week we read from and analyze chapter 10 of Seth Abramson’s ‘Proof of Conspiracy’ which lays out much of the… »»»


                                  latest editorial on Democratic Candidates Elisabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar and More!_on Flashpoints Best

                                  FlashpointsComing up today and every Tuesday at 7:00 pm Pacific – 10:00 pm Eastern – 03:00 GMT FLASHPOINTS BEST Today on the program, Norman Solomon of Roots Action on the New York Times latest editorial on Democratic Candidates Elisabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. Also, an in-depth update on the deadly human rights tragedy that Central… »»»


                                  Mighty Jupiter Revealed _on Planetary Radio

                                  Planetary Radio<br /></a> <p>Every Tuesday: 11am Pacific – 2pm Eastern – 19:00…<a href=»»»Share

                                  Science, religion, and the brain_on Exploration

                                  ExplorationEvery Tuesday: 10am Pacific – 1pm Eastern – 18:00 GMT Exploration with Dr. Michio Kaku Topic: Science, religion, and the brain Guests: Dr. Daniel Dennet and Dr. Steven Pinker This show was broadcast on February 4, 2023 For downloads click here to SUBSCRIBE!…电脑版ssr如何使用


                                  SSR5.1.5最新版 电脑Windows客户端下载和使用教程-快收录 ...:2021-6-14 · 很多的同学还是没有找到有效的SSR客户端下载地址,所伍整理了下win下ssr客户端在使用上的问题,本文只提供工具和教程,不提供服务。SSRWindows客户端安装及运行下载完成后,解压,然后后运行ShadowsocksR即可。SSRWindows客户端的 ...

                                  Project CensoredComing up every Tuesday and Saturday at 8 am Pacific * 11 am Eastern * 16:00 GMT PG&E: Monopoly Power and Disasters As Northern California communities tally the toll of disastrous fires and repeated power shutoffs, Peter Phillips and Tim Ogburn say it’s time to replace the investor-owned Pacific Gas & Electric Co. with a… »»»


                                  Ron Jacobs (Counterpunch) on 1960-1970s, Iran, Impeachment_on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio

                                  ssr 下载Coming Up Monday, February 3rd — Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT Sunday encore at 2pm Pacific * 5pm Eastern * 21:00 GMT EXCLUSIVE BROADCAST: Ron Jacobs (Counterpunch) on 1960-1970s, Iran, Impeachment Looking for non-MSM perspectives on the Middle East and more? Counterpunch and American Herald Tribune are… »»»


                                  After Trump and Neoliberalism What’s Next? — on Guns & Butter

                                  Coming up every Monday at 7:00 pm Pacific – 10:00 pm Eastern – 03:00 GMT GUNS AND BUTTER with Bonnie Faulkner After Trump and Neoliberalism What’s Next? — Dr. Jack Rasmus Dr. Jack Rasmus discusses the last three chapters of his new book, “The Scourge of Neoliberalism: From Reagan to Trump” with a focus on… »»»


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                                  No Lies Radio Music – By Teri Perticone – Sunday Feb 02, 2023 Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British-American philosopher who interpreted and popularised Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New… »»»


                                  Backstage with Alicia Keys

                                  No Lies Radio Music – By Teri Perticone – Feb 01, 2023 Alicia Augello Cook (born January 25, 1981), known professionally as Alicia Keys, is an American singer-songwriter. A classically-trained pianist, Keys was composing songs by age 12. She was signed at 15 years old by Columbia Records, and then, after disputes with the label,… »»»

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                                  Trump & Bibi Roll Out The Steal

                                  电脑版ssr如何使用Friday, January 31st–8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 15:00 GMT To make FULL SCREEN click on the symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video window. All shows are archived here right after the broadcast. False Flag Weekly News 01/31/2023 Trump & Bibi Roll Out The Steal   Today’s Hosts: Kevin Barrett & Helen… »»»


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                                  Truth Walk 9/11
                                  9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak OutWTC7
                                  The 911 Blockbuster--A Must See Video!!

                                  9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out
                                  by Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth

                                  The 43 technical experts interviewed in Experts Speak Out lay out the case for controlled demolition from their individual areas of expertise in hi-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, and controlled demolition. The seeming implausibility of the implications of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers being demolished with explosives is also handled quite skillfully in the film, as eight experts in psychology discuss the difficulties many people have in confronting the myth-shattering reality. This is a newly released DVD.
                                  阴阳师铃鹿御前为什么一出道就成了仓管?-太平洋电脑网:2021-6-4 · 阴阳师铃鹿御前为什么一出道就成了仓管?铃鹿御前是不是海国式神中最没用的?今天小编就为大家介绍下这位一出道就成仓管的铃鹿御前,我伊一 ...

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                                  Don't Miss Seeing ssr 下载, the 9/11 Hollywood Thriller banned from the Theaters. CLICK HERE TO GET THE DOWNLOAD

                                  Broadcast support for No Lies Radio is provided in part by Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth. Please visit ae911truth.org for more information about the 3 WTC high-rise collapses on September 11, 2001 .
                                  Don't Miss Seeing The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists examine 9/11
                                  CLICK HERE TO GET THE DVD OR DIGITAL DOWNLOAD


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